A short overview of the news of week 24, 2018. If you have events or updates to share with our network, you may forward them to info {at} efadrones.org....

This week news from the Stimson Center, CIVIC, Belarus, Turkey, and a new country profile of Norway. ...

Norwegian engagement on armed drones has been marked by vigorous debate in the past few years, in particular through the release of the documentary Drone in 2014 by Norwegian filmmaker Tonje Hesse Schei, featuring the drone whistle-blower Brandon Bryant. However, successive governments have been quiet on this topic, resulting in a lull in the public and political debate....

News from Drone Wars UK, Rete Disarmo, Stimson Centre, and the European Parliament as well as updates on Poland, Greece and Denmark....

The first full scale model of a European Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) drone was revealed during a ceremony at the 2018 ILA Berlin Air Show. According to its developers, the primary mission of the drone will be intelligence gathering, surveillance. target acquisition and reconnaissance. However, the European Defence Agency also noted that de drone will be able to carry...

Members of the European Forum on Armed Drones (EFAD) and other non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are deeply concerned by the secretive provision of assistance by European States to the United States’ (US) lethal drone operations, particularly in light of a dramatic expansion in US drone strikes and reports that President Trump has dismantled already inadequate restrictions on use of force meant...

In this review, we analyze, summarize and translate news from various European publications on the issues of drones. March 2018 saw several pieces from Spain, Germany, Poland and Denmark amongst others. ...