A short overview of news and updates from our network. If you have events, publications, or updates to share, you may forward them to info {at} efadrones.org....

A short overview with this week's updates from our network. If you have events, publications, or updates to share, you may forward them to info {at} efadrones.org....

In our monthly press review, we translate, analyze and summarize news from various European publications on the issues of drones. August 2018 saw drones used in an assasination attempt on Venezuelan President Maduro, more sales of military drones, and more debate on the ethical and security implicaitons of their use. ...

Drones continue to proliferate across the globe, and the African continent is no exception. The advantages drones offer for agricultural, medical, or humanitarian purposes have been well discussed. However, the military use of drones is promising to take off as an increasing number of states and actors in Africa acquire (armed) UAVs. This is particularly exemplified by the undergoing construction...

The first full scale model of a European Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) drone was revealed during a ceremony at the 2018 ILA Berlin Air Show. According to its developers, the primary mission of the drone will be intelligence gathering, surveillance. target acquisition and reconnaissance. However, the European Defence Agency also noted that de drone will be able to carry...

On the 25th of September, Rete Italiana per il Disarmo, CILD and the ECCHR hosted a conference in Milan on ‘Armed drones in Italy and Europe: Problems and Perspectives Between military strategy, transparency issues and protection of fundamental human rights’. The conference brought together many academics, legal experts, and civil society groups from Europe and the United States to discuss...

The New York Times has reported that the Trump administration is set to dismantle Obama-era restrictions on drone strikes and ground raids outside traditional warzones (see story here). EFAD Member Reprieve has found that since Trump took office, at least 30 civilians have been killed in ground raids and drone strikes in Yemen, where the US is not formally at war. The...

On the 25th of September, Rete Italiana per il Disarmo, ECCHR and CILD will host a conference in Milan entitled: “Armed drones in Italy and Europe: Problems and Perspectives Between military strategy, transparency issues and protection of fundamental human rights.” CILD has more information on its website here. A number of experts from EFAD organizations will be speaking and present during the...