This roundup, curated by ReThink Media, looks at how the media is talking about drone warfare (and related topics) and what stories are being told. With little transparency from governments on this topic, this roundup aims to be as comprehensive as possible, identifying breaking news, trends, developing stories, or interesting narratives. Rethink Media also use media coverage to compile a snapshot of...

As the cases of Yemen, Libya, Northern Syria and the recent events in Nagorno-Karabakh demonstrate, the rapidly growing proliferation and use of drones have serious implications for conflicts all over the world. UN experts also remain concerned about their compliance with international humanitarian law and human rights law standards. In a webinar, hosted on December 2nd 2020 by Vrede, Pax...

This roundup, curated by ReThink Media, looks at how the media is talking about drone warfare (and related topics) and what stories are being told. With little transparency from governments on this topic, this roundup aims to be as comprehensive as possible, identifying breaking news, trends, developing stories, or interesting narratives. Rethink Media also use media coverage to compile a snapshot of...

The public debate concerning the ethical and legal implications of a potential armament of Heron TP drones leased from Israel for the German armed forces continued on Monday, October 5th 2020. ...

Armed drones and drone technology continue to proliferate around the world. The ramifications of their use are seen in Libya, Somalia, Yemen and, more recently, in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh. In a side event to the 75th session of the UN General Assembly, hosted on October 22th, 2020 by the Stimson Center and PAX, experts discussed the role multilateral...

Armed drones continue to proliferate, and States remain largely silent on their legal justifications guiding targeted drone strikes. Without bold leadership and multilateral collaboration, the global community remains at risk of unchecked proliferation and irresponsible use and export of drones. In this webinar, on October 22, experts will discuss current trends, initiatives, and opportunities that could be undertaken in a multilateral...

In a statement delivered at the First Committee of the UN General Assembly, 14 civil society organizations from across the world have urged States to actively engage towards establishing clear norms and standards on the development, production, export and use of armed drones. The escalating drone war in Libya, the targeted killing of Iranian General Soleimani by a US drone, and...

21 September is the International Day of Peace, established since 1981 by the General Assembly of the United Nations with an invitation to all member states, regional and nongovernmental organizations and individuals to commemorate the day appropriately through education and public awareness. Global peace needs nonviolence and a ceasefire for all belligerents in the world called to lay down their...