Nearly 500 scientists, researchers, and academics have signed a call to end EU funding for military research and development. The so-called Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR) programme of the EU allocates €90 million to high-tech controversial research programmes. According to the 'Researchers for Peace', the group that has et up the petition, the PADR will only be the first step, with...

In this review, we analyze, summarize and translate news from various European publications on the issues of drones. March 2018 saw several pieces from Spain, Germany, Poland and Denmark amongst others. ...

During a parliamentary discussion, Minister of Defence Vandeput stated that the Reapers would be ‘armable, but not armed’, adding that arming it would require extra parts which were not part of the order either. ...

In an effort to move the debate on armed drones forward, the Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) attempted to link the production of unmanned aerial vehicles to their military use and the human right implications thereof. AFET inserted an amendment to the draft opinion, calling for the exclusion of armed drones in the initiative until there is a Council...

On the 6th and 7th of December 2017, the Centre for Conflict Studies at the Utrecht University held a two-day conference on The Intimacies of Remote Warfare, dealing with the changing nature of warfare. Various experts in the field, including EFAD-members Chris Woods from Airwars and Jessica Dorsey from Rights Watch UK, shared their insights on the apparent paradoxical remote,...